Unique O-rings for hydrogen stations

[O-rings for hydrogen stations]

In 2014, we developed unprecedented rubber sealing material for high-pressure hydrogen. The O-ring using this material was adopted for breakaway devices for hydrogen refueling stations. This O-ring boasts of high performance that can withstand -40°C and 70MPa (82Mpa) conditions, and overturns the conventional wisdom that “only a metal seal can withstand 70MPa high-pressure hydrogen.” With such a level of performance, it is highly regarded internationally. We have also developed rubber that can withstand 150°C and 70MPa(82Mpa) conditions for hydrogen compressors, and this product has also been adopted for compressors for hydrogen refueling stations. For these O-rings, we use our uniquely designed compound.

Image title(Picture (c)Iwatani Corporation)

“Introductory examples and achievements”
Today, O-rings for hydrogen that can withstand -40°C are adopted for many devices for hydrogen refueling stations, such as breakaway devices and dispensers. Also, for hydrogen compressors, FKM O-rings that can be used at up to 150°C have been adopted.

“Business Plan”
To further advance quality improvement, we continuously collect experimental data from cycle tests under high pressure hydrogen, in cooperation with various hydrogen device manufacturers and academia. Looking ahead, we will actively contact overseas companies with an eye toward future market growth not only domestically but overseas as well.

[O-ring for hydrogen station EPDM FKM (rubber) 82Mpa 70Mpa 35Mpa Hydrogen / fuel cell parts]