Solar Panels!!

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This is the picture from our Osaka head office factory. 

The roof of each factory, including the Osaka head office factory, has been installed with solar panels since several years.

Recently, electricity costs have been rising surprisingly, so we decided to add more solar panels last year.

As the first step, installation work was carried out at the Yamazaki Factory in early this February, and followed by the Osaka Factory.

The installation of solar panels has been mainly done on Saturdays and Sundays, but has been also working on weekdays.

When a construction workers climb onto the roof to installs equipments, so it may collect dust or generate chips.

When the construction work going while the factory was in operation, we have been paid close attention to each other.

After about two weeks construction, we have successfully completed the installation at the Osaka head office factory.

In Osaka, panels were originally placed only on one side of the office's roof and on the roof of the factory building.

Now all roofs that can be placed are covered with panels!!

They will cover about one-third of the company's electricity consumption.

I believe they will also contributes the world cleaner and greener!!